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Our Services

Investment Planning

Strategic investment advice enables ‘smooth sailing’ through the various phases of your life, whether it is buying a house, paying the school fees or simply enjoying life’s pleasures.

We understand that financial wellbeing means different things to different people. This is why we work with you to create a bespoke portfolio strategy that is based upon helping you achieve your needs and objectives, both in the future and in the now.

KiwiSaver Planning

KiwiSaver is not just an investment. It’s a tax effective strategy. And it’s a powerful tool to accumulate wealth, no matter what stage of your career you are in.

You need to maximise your KiwiSaver contributions to ensure a healthy stream of income in retirement, but there are many things to consider – your need to access capital, your ability to contribute, your investment horizon for long term financial growth and your retirement income needs. This is where we can help!

Retirement Planning

What’s your retirement dream? Luxury holidays? New Zealand road trip? More time with the grandchildren?

As your circumstances change, it is important that your investment portfolio has flexibility, whilst also maintaining certainty.  At Avenue Advice, your financial strategy is structured to balance income and sustainable growth, leading to an easy transition to your dream retirement lifestyle.

Insurance and Risk Planning

We are a specialist insurance and risk advisers who work with you to ascertain the right level of cover for you, whatever your circumstance.

There are many different types of personal and life insurance:

  • Income protection
  • Total & permanent disability insurance
  • Trauma insurance
  • Term life insurance
Business Consultancy

At Avenue Advice, we aim to provide you with guidance when your business needs it. We can help provide advice to senior management and company boards on strategy and direction by providing a wider holistic view point to your business. We wont get involved in the day to day, that’s your job  to manage every aspect of your business, we guarantee our advice will be tailor-made for your business and its specific needs.

Our flexibility and adaptability ensure we help you get the best results.

Contracting Services

We can provide contracting services to the Financial Advisory industry. This includes Locum work and continuity of business in the event you are unable to continue to provide advice to your clients. You can rely on us to ensure your clients best interests are taken care and your business is protected.